Our goals and us


The website is operated by PANELDOCTOR Ltd.


 The aim of the company is:

To ameliorate the housing conditions of families (energy efficiency, security, sustainability) by unique professional services through the establishment of an independent, professional specialized organization, this way contributing to the renewal of the housing stock of Central Eastern Europe, raising environment-awareness and decreasing environmental impacts.

Paneldoctor Ltd. holds professionalism as its priority and offers services to its partners in the segment of construction industry by insisting to this principle, in order to be able to fulfil the goals undertaken by the company. In order to reach the above goals, it has introduced its new services for strengthening the external and internal crust connections of buildings built with panel technology. Of course we are aware that not every element needs to be fortified but with the help of our comprehensive service and professional background, we can give the practical reasons for strengthening.


                                                                                                             István Gulyás

                                                                                                            managing director